Sunday, July 13, 2008

Near Death Experience Prompts Blog Name Change?

Well last night was going to be a routine night... campout at Virginia Hills for the swim team. But things went horribly awry when water polo started. I was walking across the bottom of the pool to try and move around on defense... and I slipped and cut my toe on something... be it a rock or some tile, we do not know. This caused me quite a bit of pain, and I used some colorful language. Brought myself to the edge of the pool when I noticed it was bleeding quite profusely. So I went up to the side of the pool and sat down to see if it had stopped, and I realized that about three toes were now SOAKED in blood. Off to the guard shack when I didn't think it was that big of a problem. But then my queasiness kicked in and I was put on a bench where they took good care of me. An EXCELLENT job by board members, the lifeguard, and the parents who were there. Very quick reacting to call my dad and get him up to the pool to bring me home. When he got there he said we were going to have to go to the hospital. So we went into the car, and went home first so we could grab my health insurance card. When I was changing out of my wet swimsuit I bumped my toe on a snowglobe that was on the ground... and guess what... it started bleeding again. So I applied the pressure and we called for an appointment at Falls Church. Drove out there and checked in (via wheelchair!) and waited in the waiting room for a bit - then went in to the doc's office. He unwrapped it and took a look and then re-wrapped it, while stating I would probably need some stitches. So I got a bit worried knowing my history with blood and medical procedures! Then it was off into the "procedure room" where he cleaned the wound and let me wait for the nurses to come in with the stitches. Got the novocaine shots (which hurt a LOT!!!) and then got the stitches which I didn't feel. After that it was bandaged and then I was off. Quite the exciting night.

Then today I was thinking of blogging about the injury and remembered that I am considering a name change. Or maybe a second blog, one having to do with just the Nationals themselves. We'll see what comes of it. Could it be Nattily Attired? Or something else?

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